Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Strength training: OK for kids when done correctly

With the summer season winding down, for some players (depending on age) it may be the time to start thinking about how to prepare for next season. I came across this article published by the Mayo Clinic on strengh training for kids. Since the Mayo Clinic is a recognized health authority I thought this would be appropriate to share. The advice in the article seems to be well grounded in common sense. Please note that you should always consult with your child's doctor before beginning any strengh training program.

Coach Bob


Strength training: OK for kids when done correctly

Strength training offers kids many benefits, but there are important caveats to keep in mind. Here's what you need to know about youth strength training.
Strength training for kids? You bet! Done properly, strength training offers many bonuses to young athletes. Strength training is even a good idea for kids who simply want to look and feel better. In fact, strength training can put your child on a lifetime path to better health and fitness.

Strength training, not weightlifting

For kids, light resistance and controlled movements are best — with a special emphasis on proper technique and safety. Your child can do many strength training exercises with his or her own body weight or inexpensive resistance tubing. Free weights and machine weights are other options.

Don't confuse strength training with weightlifting, bodybuilding or powerlifting. These activities are largely driven by competition, with participants vying to lift heavier weights or build bigger muscles than those of other athletes. This can put too much strain on young muscles, tendons and areas of cartilage that haven't yet turned to bone (growth plates) — especially when proper technique is sacrificed in favor of lifting larger amounts of weight.....

READ entire article: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/strength-training/HQ01010

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